释义 |
螽zhōng[螽斯](zhōngsī)昆虫,身体绿色或褐色,触角呈丝状,有的种类无翅。雄虫的前翅有发音器,雌虫尾端有剑状的产卵管。善于跳跃,一般以其他小动物为食物,有的种类也吃庄稼,是害虫。{katydid (Microcentrum); long-horned grasshopper; bush cricket; green grasshopper having threadlike antennae (with some species having no wings), soniferous organs on the forewings in the male, and a sword-shaped ovipositor on the tail in the female. A good hopper, the katydid feeds on other minor insects, but some species within the family feed on crops and are harmful.} |