释义 |
蜻蜓qīngtíng昆虫,身体细长,胸部的背面有两对膜状的翅,生活在水边,捕食蚊子等小飞虫,能高飞。雌的用尾点水而产卵于水中。幼虫叫水虿,生活在水中。是益虫。{dragonfly; mosquito hawk; darning needle; water nymph; beneficial insect of the genus Libellula, with a long slender body and two pairs of thin film wings, living by water and feeding on small winged insects such as mosquitoes, etc., and capable of flying high, the female laying eggs in water with a slight dip of the tail, with its larvae called 水虿shuǐchài} |