释义 |
虢Guó 1.周朝国名。西虢在今陕西宝鸡东,后来迁到河南陕县东南。东虢在今河南郑州西北。{Guo, a state in the Zhou Dynasty. The State of West Guo was east of present-day Baoji, Shaanxi Province before it was moved to the southeast of Shanxian County, Henan Province, while the State of East Guo was located to the northwest of present-day Zhengzhou, Henan Province.} 2.姓。{a surname}馘(篓?/word>guó〈古代arch.〉战争中割掉敌人的左耳计数献功。也指割下的左耳。{(in ancient battles) sever and count left ears of enemy troops as a measure of a fighter's merit in war; severed left ears} |