

释义 xùn高等菌类。生长在树林里或草地上。地下部分叫菌丝,能从土壤里或朽木里吸取养料。地上部分由帽状的菌盖和杆状的菌柄构成,菌盖能产生孢子,是繁殖器官。种类很多,有的可以吃,如香菇,有的有毒,如毒蝇蕈。{gill fungus; higher fungus growing in forests or on grasslands. Its underground part is called mycelium, which can absorb nutrients from the soil or decayed wood, and its above-ground part is comprised of a cap-shaped pileus and bacilliform stipe, with the former being the generative organ producing spores. There are a variety of fungus, some being edible, such as shiitake, while others are poisonous, such as toadstools.}




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