释义 |
苏铁sūtiě常绿乔木,叶子聚生在茎的顶部,有大形的羽状复叶,小叶条形,有光泽,花顶生,雌雄异株,雄花圆锥形,雌花有褐色绒毛,种子球形。产于温暖的地区,生长得很慢。{sago; cycas (Cycas revoluta); evergreen tree, with large, pinnately compound, tender, linear, lustrous leaves concentrated at the top of its trunk, dioecious, apical flowers (fine brown hair grows on the female flowers, and the male flowers are cone-shaped) and spherical seeds, that grows slowly and is found in warm regions;}通称{commonly known as}铁树{tiěshù}。 |