释义 |
臭氧洞chòuyǎngdòng指地球上空的臭氧层因臭氧大幅度减少而形成的空洞。人类向大气中排放的氟氯烷(氟利昂)等化合物进入臭氧层与臭氧发生化学反应,是使臭氧减少的重要因素。出现臭氧洞后,紫外线会过量地射到地表,危害人体健康,也会导致气候异常,影响生态平衡。{ozone hole; hole in the ozone layer of the earth's stratosphere resulting from massive ozone depletion. A main cause for ozone depletion is the chemical reaction of ozone to such compounds as freon released into the atmosphere by humanity. Excessive ultraviolet radiation may reach the earth's surface through the ozone hole, affecting people's health, causing an abnormal climate, and upsetting the ecological balance.} |