释义 |
腊(臘、臈)là 1.古代在农历十二月里合祭众神叫做腊,因此农历十二月叫腊月。{layue, the 12th lunar month,腊là being the ceremony held in this month at which people in ancient times offered sacrifices to the gods, hence the name of the month} 2.冬天(多在腊月)腌制后风干或熏干的(鱼、肉、鸡、鸭等){preserve fish, meat, chicken, duck, etc., by air-drying or smoking, a household chore usu. done in the 12th lunar month of the year}: ~肉{cured meat}|~鱼{preserved fish}|~味。{cured meat} 3.(Là)姓。{a surname} ⇒腊xī |