释义 |
肠(腸)cháng 1.消化器官的一部分,形状像管子,上端连胃,下端通肛门。分为小肠、大肠两部分,起消化和吸收作用。{intestine; part of the digestive organ resembling a tube connecting the stomach with the anus, divided into two parts, the small intestine and the large intestine, whose function is to digest food and absorb nourishment;}通称{commonly called}肠子{cháng·zi},也叫also肠管{chángguǎn}。 2.(~ㄦ{chángr})在肠衣里塞进肉、淀粉等制成的食品{sausage; food made by stuffing a casing with meat, starch, etc.}: 香~{sausage}|鱼~{fish sausage}|腊~。{Chinese sausage} |