释义 |
肋骨lèigǔ人或高等动物胸壁两侧的长条形的骨。人有十二对肋骨,形状扁而弯,后接脊柱,前连胸骨,有保护胸腔内脏的作用。有的地区叫肋巴骨(lèi·bɑgǔ)或肋条。{rib; long, flat bones on the two sides of the chest wall of humans or certain vertebrates; any of the arched bones attached posteriorly to the vertebral column and enclosing the chest cavity. In humans there are 12 pairs of such bones; known as 肋巴骨lèi·bɑgǔ or 肋条lèi·tiáo in some places} |