释义 |
老虎钳lǎohǔqián 1.钳工等用来夹住工件的工具,装在钳床上,有较大的钳口,用柄扳动螺丝杆旋紧。{vice; device attached to a workbench, with two jaws between which an object may be clamped by moving one jaw by means of a screw, leaving the hands free to work on it;}也叫also台钳{táiqián},虎钳{hǔqián}。 2.手工工具,钳口有刃,多用来起钉子或夹断钉子和铁丝。{pliers; pincer pliers; pincers with flat, usu. serrated surfaces for removing nails or cutting nails or wire} |