释义 |
老爷lǎo·ye 1.〈旧社会pre-1949〉对官吏及有权势的人的称呼,现在用时含讽刺的意思{(old term of address to sb. rich and powerful that has become derogative today) master; bureaucrat; lord}: 干部是人民的勤务员,不是人民的‘~’。{A government functionary is a civil servant, not someone who lords it over the people.} 2.〈旧社会pre-1949〉官僚、地主人家的仆人等称男主人。{(old respectful term of address to a master by a servant) Sir; Master} 3.外祖父。{maternal grandfather} 4.指陈旧的、式样老的(车、船等){old-fashioned (vehicle, boat, etc.)}: ~车{old-style car}|~船。{old-style boat} |