

释义 网(網)wǎng
1.用绳线等结成的捕鱼捉鸟的器具{net; openwork fabric made of threads or cords that are woven or knotted together for fishing, catching birds, or other purposes}:
一张{a net}|{fishing net}|{mesh a net}|{cast a net}|{stretch a net}
2.像网的东西{sth. resembling a net}:
{hairnet}|蜘蛛{cobweb}|{power grid}
3.像网一样纵横交错的组织或系统{network; netlike, interlaced organization or system}:
通信{telecommunications network}|交通{transportation network}|灌溉{irrigation network}|宣传{publicity work network}
4.用网捕捉{catch sth. with a net}:
着了一条鱼。{have netted a fish}
5.像网似的笼罩着{enmesh; entangle or catch in or as if in a mesh}:
眼里着红丝。{bloodshot eyes}




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