

字词 便
释义 便1biàn
1.方便;便利{convenient; handy}:
{light; portable}|{close and convenient}|旅客称{Travelers appreciate such convenience.}
2.方便的时候或顺便的机会{when an opportunity arises; when it is convenient}:
{at one's convenience; when it is convenient}|{whenever it is convenient}|车。{hitchhike one's way to somewhere; get a lift to somewhere}
3.非正式的;简单平常的{informal; simple}:
{homely meal; simple meal}|条ㄦ。{note}
4.屎或尿{shit or piss; stool or urine}:
{excrement; night soil}
5.排泄屎、尿{excrete; relieve oneself}:
{shit; defecate; evacuate bowels}|{piss; urinate}|{commode; chamber pot}|血。{haematochezia; have or pass blood in one's stool}




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