

释义 2(縱)zòng
1.释放;放走{release; set free}:
欲擒故{let loose the noose in order to catch; allow sb. some latitude in order to keep a tighter rein on him afterwards; give sb. line enough}|虎归山。{release the tiger and let it return to the mountains}
2.放任;不约束{indulge; let loose; let oneself go}:
{indulge}|{to one's heart's content}|{indulge in sensual pleasures}|不能着孩子。{Children must not be spoiled.}
3.纵身{jump up; jump into the air}:
花猫向前一,就把老鼠扑住了。{The spotted kitten leaped forward and caught the mouse.}




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