释义 |
策1(筞)cè 1.〈古代arch.〉写字用的竹片或木片{bamboo or wooden slips used for writing on}: 简~。{inscribed wooden or bamboo slips} 2.〈古代arch.〉考试的一种文体,多就政治和经济问题发问,应试者对答{questions on political or economic affairs set for imperial examinations}: 对~{countermeasure}|~问。{interview} 3.我国数学上曾经用过的一种计算工具,形状跟‘筹’相似。清代初期把乘法的九九口诀写在上面以计算乘除和开平方。{counting instrument used in ancient China for multiplication, division or extraction of square roots. In the Qing Dynasty, the multiplication tables in rhyme were inscribed on it.}参看see‘筹’{chóu}。 4.计谋;办法{plan; scheme}: 上~{best plan}|献~{submit a scheme}|束手无~。{fold one's hands helplessly; at one's wits' end} 5.〈书fml.〉谋划;筹划{plan; scheme}: ~反{incite mutiny}|~应。{support by coordinated action} 6.(Cè)姓。{a surname} |