

字词 穿
释义 穿chuān
1.破;透{pierce through; penetrate}:
把纸了个洞{poke a hole in the paper}|水滴石{Dripping water wears through a rock.}
2.用在某些动词后,表示破、透或彻底显露{used after certain verbs to mean completely damaged, penetrated or exposed}:
{shoot through}|{wear out}|了他的心思{see through him}|阴谋诡计。{uncover a conspiracy}
3.通过(孔洞、缝隙、空地等){find one's way through; pass through (a hole, a crack, or open land)}:
{thread a needle}|过森林{pass through a forest}|从这个胡同过去。{Go through the alley.}
4.用绳线等通过物体把物品连贯起来{string together}:
糖葫芦{string sugar-coated haws on a stick}|用珠子成珠帘。{string beads to make a curtain}
5.把衣服鞋袜等物套在身体上{wear clothes, shoes, socks, etc.}:
{put on shoes}|衣服。{put on clothes}




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