穗1(繐)suì(~ㄦ{suìr}) 1.稻麦等禾本科植物的花或果实聚生在茎的顶端,叫做穗{ear of grain; spike; fruiting spike of plants of the grass family, such as rice and wheat, that grows at the top of the stem}: 麦~ㄦ{ear of wheat; wheat head}|谷~ㄦ。{ear of millet} 2.用丝线、布条或纸条等扎成的、挂起来往下垂的装饰品{tassel; fringe; dangling ornament made of silk threads, cloth ribbons or paper strips}: 黄~红罩的宫灯。{red-shaded palace lanterns fringed with yellow tassels}