

字词 磨蹭
释义 磨蹭mó·ceng
1.(轻微)摩擦{rub (lightly); stroke (gently)}:
右脚轻轻地在地上着。{scrape one's right foot lightly on the floor}
2.缓慢地向前行进,比喻做事动作迟缓{dawdle; loiter; move slowly}:
他的腿病已有好转,拄着棍ㄦ可以往前{His leg is getting better and he can slowly move forward with the support of a stick.}|你们磨磨蹭蹭的,事情什么时候能做完?{If you go on dawdling like this, when will you ever be able to finish?}
3.纠缠{pester; nag}:
我跟爸爸了半天,他才答应明天带咱们到动物园玩去。{I kept on nagging my father until he promised to take us to the zoo tomorrow.}




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