释义 |
碱(鹻、堿)jiǎn 1.电解质电离时所生成的阴离子全部是氢氧根离子的化合物。能跟酸中和生成盐和水,水溶液有涩味,可使石蕊试纸变蓝。如氢氧化钠、氢氧化钾等。{alkali; chemical compound produced when all the negative ions derived from the ionization of an electrolyte are ions with hydroxide radicals, capable of being neutralized with acid to produce salt and water, its aqueous solution being puckery and able to turn the litmus paper blue, such as sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide} 2.含有10个分子结晶水的碳酸钠,无色晶体,用作洗涤剂,也用来中和发面中的酸味。{soda; sodium carbonate with 10-molecule crystal water, a colourless crystal, used as detergent or to neutralize the acidity of fermented dough} 3.被盐碱侵蚀{alkalized}: 这间房子的墙都~了。{The walls of this room are alkalized.} |