

字词 真菌
释义 真菌zhēnjūn低等生物,菌丝体中有明显的细胞核,以有性或无性的孢子进行繁殖。主要靠菌丝体吸收外界现成的营养物质来维持生活。通常寄生在其他物体上,自然界中分布很广,例如酵母菌,制造青霉素用的青霉菌,食品中的蘑菇和松蕈,衣物发霉时长的毛绒状的东西,以及某些病原体。{eumycete; fungus; lower organism with an obvious nucleus in the mycelium, propagating through sexual or asexual spores, living mainly by absorbing ready nutrition from the outside world. As a parasitic organism, it is widespread in the natural world, e.g. saccharomycete, the mould used to make penicillin, edible fungus, pine mushrooms, mould growing from mildewed clothes, and certain pathogens.}




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