释义 |
相1xiàng 1.相貌;外貌{looks; appearance (of a person)}: 长~{looks (of sb.)}|聪明~{smart appearance}|可怜~{sorry figure}|狼狈~。{flustered look} 2.物体的外观{appearance of an object}: 月~{phase of the moon}|金~。{metallurgical phase} 3.坐、立等的姿态{bearing; posture (when sitting or standing)}: 站有站~,坐有坐~。{know well how to stand or sit properly} 4.相位。{phase} 5.交流电路中的一个组成部分,如三相交流发电机有三个绕组,每个绕组叫做一相。{phase; component part of an alternating-current circuit, e.g. a three-phase alternator has three circuits, each of which is known as a phase} 6.same as相态{xiàngtài}。 7.观察事物的外表,判断其优劣{estimate or decide the quality of sth. by observing its appearance}: ~马。{watch a horse to judge its worth} 8.(Xiàng)姓。{a surname} |