

字词 盲人摸象
释义 盲人摸象mángrén mō xiàng传说几个瞎子摸一只大象,摸到腿的说大象像一根柱子,摸到身躯的说大象像一堵墙,摸到尾巴的说大象像一条蛇,各执己见,争论不休。{blind men trying to size up an elephant. Legend has it that several blind men tried sizing up an elephant, and became locked in an endless squabble about what it looked like, because each mistook the part within his reach for the whole — the one who felt a leg said the elephant looked like a pillar, the one who felt the body argued that it resembled a wall, and the one who grabbed the tail believed it looked like a snake.}〈比喻fig.对事物了解不全面,固执一点,乱加揣测。{take a part for the whole and obstinately try to extrapolate}




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