

释义 1(蓋)gài
1.({gàir})器物上部有遮蔽作用的东西{cover of a utensil; lid}:
{the lid of a wok}|茶壶{teapot lid}◇膝{knee}|天灵{top of the skull}
2.({gàir})动物背部的甲壳{shell on the back of an animal}:
螃蟹{crab shell}|乌龟ㄦ。{tortoise shell}
3.〈古时arch.把伞叫盖(现在方言还有把伞叫雨盖的){ancient term for umbrella (still used in some modern dialects)}:
(古代车上像伞的篷子)。{canopy (over an ancient carriage)}
4.由上而下地遮掩;蒙上{cover from top down; cover}:
{cover}|盖ㄦ{put a lid on}|被子{cover with a quilt}|撒种后上一层土{cover the sown seeds with earth}◇丑事情想不住。{Scandals can-not be covered up.}
5.打上(印){affix (a seal)}:
钢印{affix an embossing seal}|图章。{stamp}
6.超过;压倒{surpass; top}:
他的嗓门很大,把别人的声音都下去了。{His voice was so loud that it drowned out everyone else's.}
7.〈方dial.超出一般地好;非常好{extraordinary; super}:
昨晚的戏演得真{The performance last night was splendid.}
8.建筑(房屋){build (house)}:
楼房{rebuild a house}|宿舍好了。{The dormitory has been completed.}
9.耢(lào)。{leveller; farm tool used to level fields}
10.(Gài)姓。{a surname}




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