字词 | 的 |
释义 | 铁~纪律{iron discipline}|幸福~生活。{happy life} 我~母亲{my mother}|无产阶级~党。{the proletarian party} 今天开会是你~主席{At today's meeting, you are the chairman.}|谁~介绍人?{Who played matchmaker for you?} 开他~玩笑{play a joke on him}|找我~麻烦。{make trouble for me} 这是我~,那才是你~{This is mine and that is yours.}|菊花开了,有红~,有黄~。{Chrysanthemums are blooming, some red and others yellow.} 男~{male}|送报~{postman; messenger}|我爱吃辣~。{I love spicy hot food.} 大星期天~,你怎么不出去玩ㄦ玩ㄦ?{Today is Sunday, so why don't you go out and enjoy yourself?}|无缘无故~,你着什么急?{It has nothing to do with you, so why worry about it?} 这里用不着你,你只管睡你~去。{You have no business here. Just go to sleep.}e)‘的’字前后用相同的动词、形容词等,连用这样的结构,表示有这样的,有那样的{[used between identical verbs, adjectives, etc., to constitute a sequence of contrasts]}: 推~推,拉~拉{Some push while others pull.}|说~说,笑~笑{Some talk while others laugh.}|大~大,小~小。{The big ones are too big, while the small ones are too small.} 谁买~书?{Who bought the book?}|他是昨天进~城{He went to town yesterday.}|我是在车站打~票。{I bought the ticket at the station.}[注意] 这件事ㄦ我知道~。{True, I know about this matter.} 破铜烂铁~,他捡来一大筐{He picked up a basketful of scrap iron and stuff.}|老乡们沏茶倒水~,待我们很亲热。{The villagers made tea and served hot drinks, treating us warmly.} 这间屋子是五米 ~三米,合十五平方米。{This room is five metres by three metres, which makes fifteen square metres.}〈biaoqian>b)〈方 两个~三个,一共五个。{Two plus three is five.} |
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