释义 |
痈(癰)yōng皮肤和皮下组织化脓性的炎症,病原体是葡萄球菌,多发生在背部或项部,症状是局部红肿,形成硬块,表面有许多脓泡,有时形成许多小孔,呈筛状,非常疼痛,常引起发烧、寒战等,严重时并发败血症。{carbuncle; painful purulent inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, caused by staphylococcus bacteria, oft. attacking the back or neck, with symptoms of local red swellings, nodules with many pustules on the surface, and sometimes multiple sieve-shaped openings for the discharge of pus, prone to cause fever, chills, etc., or to be complicated by blood poisoning when serious} |