

字词 生态环境
释义 生态环境shēngtài huánjìng生物和影响生物生存与发展的一切外界条件的总和。由许多生态因素综合而成,其中非生物因素有光、温度、水分、大气、土壤和无机盐类等,生物因素有植物、动物、微生物等。在自然界,生态因素相互联系,相互影响,共同对生物发生作用。{eco-environment; ecological environment; sum total of organisms and all the external conditions that affect their survival and development. An eco-environment encompasses many ecological factors, including non-organic ones such as light, temperature, water, air, soil and inorganic salts, and organic ones such as plants, animals and microbes. In the nature, ecological factors are interrelated, affecting each other, and producing a joint effect on organisms.}




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