

字词 甚嚣尘上
释义 甚嚣尘上shèn xiāo chén shàng楚国跟晋国作战,楚王登车窥探敌情,对侍臣说:
‘甚嚣,且尘上矣。’意思是晋军喧哗纷乱得很厉害,而且尘土也飞扬起来了(见于《左传》成公十六年)。后来用‘甚嚣尘上’形容对传闻之事议论纷纷。现多指某种言论十分嚣张(含贬义{derog.})。{raise a hue and cry; cause a great clamour. During a war between the State of Chu and the State of Jin, the duke of Chu mounted a chariot to watch the enemy movements and told his aides:
‘There is a great clamour, and the dust is rising.’ He meant that there was a great clamour and confusion among the Jin troops and the dust was flying in the sky over them (see The Zuo Commentary·Duke Cheng 16th Year). Since then, the phrase has been used to describe a situation in which there is much talk about rumours. It is oft. used to refer to a widely spread rumour or opinion.}




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