释义 |
狼láng哺乳动物,形状和狗相似,面部长,耳朵直立,毛黄色或灰褐色,尾巴向下垂。昼伏夜出,性残忍而贪婪,吃兔、鹿等,也伤害人畜,对畜牧业有害。毛皮可以制衣褥等。{wolf (Canis lupus); wild flesh-eating yellow or tawny-grey mammal that looks like a dog, with a long face, erect ears, and drooping tail; hiding in the daytime and coming out at night. The wolf is destructive to animal husbandry because it is vicious and greedy and preys on rabbits, dear, draught animals and human beings. Its hide is a material for making clothing and bedding.} |