

字词 状元
释义 状元zhuàng·yuɑn
1.科举时代的一种称号。唐代称进士科及第的第一人,有时也泛称新进士。宋代主要指第一名,有时也用于第二、三名。元代以后限于称殿试一甲(第一等)第一名。{First Place Scholar; title conferred on the person with the best score in the highest imperial examination. During the Tang Dynasty, this title referred to the one who came out first in the national civil service examination, and sometimes to new metropolitan graduates in a broad sense. During the Song Dynasty, it referred to the number one metropolitan graduate, and sometimes also to those in second and third places. During the Yuan and the dynasties that followed, it referred to the candidate getting the highest marks in the palace examination (the final stage in any sequence of civil service recruitment examinations).}
2.〈比喻fig.在本行业中成绩最好的人{the very best (in any field)}:
养鸡{champion chicken-farmer}|行行出{Each trade has its master hands.}




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