

释义 1niú
1.哺乳动物,身体大,趾端有蹄,头上长有一对角,尾巴尖端有长毛。是反刍类动物,力气大,供役使、乳用或乳肉两用,皮、毛、骨等都有用处。我国常见的有黄牛、水牛、牦牛等几种。{cattle; ox; cow; large, strong, ruminant mammal with hooves, a pair of horns on its head and long hair at the end of its tail, raised for draught purposes or for its meat and/or milk products, with its skin, hair, bones and other parts being also useful. Breeds usually seen in China include ox, water buffalo and yak.}
2.〈比喻fig.固执或骄傲{stubborn or arrogant}:
{arrogant; overbearing}|脾气。{stubborn; obstinate; pertinacious}
3.二十八宿之一。{niu, one of the 28 constellations}
4.(Niú)姓。{a surname}




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