

字词 爱克斯射线
释义 爱克斯射线àikèsī shèxiàn波长很短的电磁波,有很大穿透能力,能使照相胶片感光,使某些物质发荧光,并能使气体游离,对机体细胞有很强的破坏作用。广泛应用于科学技术和医疗方面。是德国物理学家伦琴发现的,所以又叫伦琴射线。也叫爱克斯光。通常写作X射线。{X-ray; oft. X-rays, and also known as Roentgen ray because it was discovered by the German physicist Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen (1845-1923); a form of electromagnetic radiation similar to light but of much shorter wavelength, capable of penetrating solids, exposing photographic films, causing fluorescent screens to emit light, and ionizing gases, and highly destructive to organic cells, widely used in science and technology and medical service}




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