

字词 煤气
释义 煤气méiqì
1.干馏煤炭等所得的气体,主要成分是氢、甲烷、乙烯、一氧化碳,并有少量的氮、二氧化碳等。无色无味无臭,有毒。用做燃料或化工原料。{gas; coal gas; gas obtained from dry distillation of coal, mainly consisting of hydrogen, methane, ethene, carbon monoxide and small amounts of nitrogen and carbon dioxide, colourless, tasteless and odourless, but poisonous, used as fuel or chemical material}
2.煤不完全燃烧时产生的气体,主要成分是一氧化碳,无色无臭,有毒,被人和动物吸入后与血液中的血红蛋白结合能引起中毒。{gas, obtained from incomplete combustion of coal, mainly consisting of carbon monoxide, colourless, odourless; if absorbed by humans or animals, it combines with haemoglobin in the blood to cause poisoning;}也叫also煤毒{méidú}
3.液化石油气的俗称。{popular term for liquefied petroleum gas}




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