释义 |
煎jiān 1.烹饪方法,锅里放少量油,加热后,把食物放进去使表面变黄{(cooking method) fry in shallow oil without stirring; put a little oil in the pan, heat it, put in the food and fry it until its surface turns yellow}: ~鱼{fry fish}|~豆腐。{fry bean curd} 2.把东西放在水里煮,使所含的成分进入水中{simmer in water; decoct; put things into a cooking pot and boil them until their essences are dissolved in the water}: ~茶{cook tea}|~药。{decoct medicinal herbs} 3.〈量词classifier〉煎中药的次数{(of herbal medicine) decoction}: 头~{first decoction}|二~{second decoction}|这病吃一~药就好。{Take one decoction and you will be all right.} |