

释义 1(會)huì
1.聚合;合在一起{gather; congregate; assemble}:
{congregate; assemble}|{join together}|{medical consultation}|审。{joint hearing; joint trial}
2.见面;会见{meet; see}:
{meet}|{receive a guest}|昨天没有着他。{I tried but didn't meet him yesterday.}
3.有一定目的的集会{rally; assemblage; assembly; congregation; gathering with a specific purpose}:
{evening party}|{dance party; ball}|{hold a meeting}|报告{meeting; lecture}|晚上有一个{There's going to be a meeting tonight.}
4.某些团体{association; society; organization}:
{trade union}|妇女联合{women's federation}
5.庙会{temple fair}:
{go to a temple fair}
6.民间朝山进香或酬神求年成时所组织的集体活动,如香会、迎神赛会等。{popular gathering at a temple to worship Buddha or pray for a bumper harvest, e.g. gathering of worshippers, festival to pacify the spirits}
7.民间一种小规模经济互助组织,入会成员按期平均交款,分期轮流使用。{small credit association, where members regularly contribute an equal amount to a common fund and draw from it by turns}
8.主要的城市{main city}:
{capital; metropolis}|{provincial capital}
9.时机{chance; opportunity}:
{chance; opportunity}|适逢其{happen to be present}
10.〈书fml.恰巧;正好{happen; coincide with; it happens ...}:
有客来。{At that moment, a guest happened to visit.}
11.〈书fml.应当{ought to; should}:
长风破浪有时。{(fig.) There should come a time when you can display all your talents.}




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