

释义 滚(滾)gǔn
1.滚动;翻转{roll; tumble; trundle; welter}:
荷叶上着亮晶晶的水珠{Sparkling drops of water rolled on the lotus leaf.}|那骡子就地打了个ㄦ又站起来。{The mule weltered in its place and rose.}
2.走开;离开(含斥责意{in an angry tone}){get away; scram}:
{get out; be off}|你给我!{Off with you! or Go to hell! or Beat it!}
3.(液体)翻腾,特指受热沸腾{(of a liquid) bubble up when heated to a boiling point; boil; seethe}:
锅里水了。{The water in the pot is boiling.}
4.使滚动;使在滚动中沾上(东西){roll around to get bigger by picking up thicker layers}:
元宵{roll rice dumplings}|雪球{roll a snowball; snowball}◇利利。{usurious loan; compound interest}
5.缝纫方法{way of sewing};同same as‘绲’{gǔn}③。
6.(Gǔn)姓。{a surname}




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