释义 |
温床wēnchuáng 1.冬季或早春培育蔬菜、花卉等幼苗的苗床。通常在苗床下面埋好能发酵生热的马粪、落叶、垃圾等,或利用温泉热、电热等给苗床加温,苗床上面一般装有玻璃窗或塑料薄膜。{hotbed; bed for nursing vegetable, flower seedlings, etc. in winter and early spring. usu. heated by fermenting a layer of horse dung, fallen leaves and garbage, etc. underneath it, or by a hot spring, electricity, etc. oft. covered by glass windows or plastic films.} 2.〈比喻fig.〉对某种事物产生或发展有利的环境{breeding ground; hotbed}: 官僚主义是违法乱纪现象的~{Bureaucracy is a hotbed for violations of the law and discipline.}|海洋是孕育原始生命的~。{The sea is the breeding ground for the primitive living organisms.} |