

释义 1qīng
1.(液体或气体)纯净没有混杂的东西(跟‘浊’相对as opposed to ‘turbid’}){(of gases or liquids) pure; clear; unmixed}:
见底{The water is so limpid that the bottom can be seen.}|天朗气{The sky is clear and bright.}
2.寂静{quiet; silent; still}:
{quiet; tranquil; serene; peaceful}|{lacking excitement; cheerless; desolate; quiet and empty; deserted}
3.公正廉洁{impartial; honest; upright; disinterested}:
{honest and upright official}|廉。{honest and clean; incorruptible}
4.清楚{clear; lucid}:
说不{hard to explain}|底细。{find out every detail by thorough enquiry}
5.单纯{simple; plain}:
{sing opera arias without make-up}|茶。{green tea; tea served without refreshments}
把账还了。{pay off a debt}
7.清除不纯的成分;使组织纯洁{clear away or off; clear ... of sth.; purify; clean up}:
党。{purge a political party; carry out a purge}
8.(账目)还清;结清{(of accounts) be settled}:
{pay off arrears}|账已经了。{The accounts have been settled.}
9.点验{count; check}:
行李的件数。{Check the pieces of the luggage.}




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