

字词 流产
释义 流产liú∥chǎn
1.怀孕后,胎儿未满28周就产出。多由内分泌异常、剧烈运动等引起。产出的胎儿一般不能成活。{abortion; miscarriage; birth of a foetus within 28 weeks of its conception, usu. caused by abnormal endocrine, excessive movement, etc.;}通称{generally called}小产{xiǎochǎn}{or}小月{xiǎo·yuè}。参看see【人工流产】{réngōng liúchǎn}
2.〈比喻fig.事情在酝酿或进行中遭到挫折而不能实现{(of a task, mission, etc.) miscarry; abort; fall through; fail to be realized during deliberations}:
撰写计划因人员变动而{The plan for writing the book has been aborted owing to personnel changes.}




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