

字词 比方
释义 比方bǐ·fɑng
1.用容易明白的甲事物来说明不容易明白的乙事物{compare to; liken to; draw an analogy between; use A, an easily understandable instance, to illustrate the meaning of B which is otherwise hard to understand}:
他坚贞不屈的品德,可用四季常青的松柏来{An analogy can be drawn between his faithful and unyielding character and evergreen pines and cypresses.}
2.指用甲事物来说明乙事物的行为{act of illustrating A through comparing it with B}:
{by way of analogy}|这不过是个{This is just an analogy. or This is only by way of analogy.}
3.比如{take for instance or example}:
郊游的事情都安排好了,谁带队、谁开车,等等。{All matters concerning the outing have been arranged, such as who will lead the group, and who will drive the bus.}
4.表示‘假如’的意思(用于有话要说而故意吞吐其词时){[used when sb. wants to say sth. but purposely pauses while speaking] if; suppose}:
他的隶书真好,我求他写一副对联ㄦ,他不会拒绝吧?{He is a calligrapher versed in official script. If I were to ask him to write a couplet for me, he wouldn't refuse, would he?}




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