释义 |
母权制mǔquánzhì原始公社初期形成的女子在经济上和社会关系上占支配地位的制度。由于经营农业、饲养家畜和管理家务,都以妇女为主,又由于群婚,子女只能确认生母,这样就形成了以女子为中心的母系氏族公社。后来被父权制所代替。{matriarchy; form of social organization in the early period of the primitive commune, in which the mother was recognized as the head of the family or tribe in handling economic and social relations. As the women were in charge of farm production, animal breeding and house keeping and also because of group marriage, the children could only recognize their own mothers. Matriarchic communes were thus formed with women as their centres, until they were later superseded by patriarchy.} |