释义 |
歇后语xiēhòuyǔ由两个部分组成的一句话,前一部分像谜面,后一部分像谜底,通常只说前一部分,而本意在后一部分。如‘泥菩萨过江——自身难保’,‘外甥点灯笼——照旧(舅)’。{two-part allegorical saying, of which the first part, always explicitly stated, describes a riddle, while the second part, sometimes unstated, carries a message as the answer to the riddle, e.g. like a clay idol fording a river — hardly able to save oneself (let alone anyone else); the nephew lighting a lantern — illumining his uncle (this last phrase has the same pronunciation as 照旧 zhàojiù, meaning ‘as before’)} |