释义 |
标(標)biāo 1.〈书fml.〉树木的末梢。{uppermost point of a tree} 2.事物的枝节或表面{minor aspect; outward sign; symptom; superficiality}: 治~不如治本。{seek a permanent cure rather than a temporary solution} 3.标志;记号{mark; sign}: 路~{road sign}|商~{trademark}|~点。{punctuation} 4.标准;指标{standard; quota; target; norm}: 达~{reach the standard}|超~。{surpass the standard; exceed the quota} 5.用文字或其他事物表明{label; mark sth. with words or other things; put a mark, tag or label on}: ~上记号{make marks on sth.}|明码~价。{with the price clearly marked} 6.给竞赛优胜者的奖品{prize; sth. given as a reward to winners in a contest or competition}: 锦~{prize, trophy, title}|夺~。{win a championship} 7.用比价的方式承包工程或买卖货物时各竞争厂商所标出的价格{tender; bid; bid to contract for a project at a given cost; or price offered by a rivalling firm in a bid for a contract or deal}: 招~{invite tenders; public bidding}|投~。{submit a tender; enter a bid} 8.清末陆军编制之一,相当于后来的团。{unit of ground forces in the late Qing Dynasty, equivalent to the present-day regiment} 9.〈量词classifier〉用于队伍,数词限用‘一’{[used on troops, only with the numeral一yì]}: 斜刺里杀出一~人马。{A detachment of troops charged out on a diagonal tack.}也作also彪{biāo}。 |