

字词 什么
释义 什么shén·me〈疑问代词interrog. pron.
1.表示疑问。{[used in the interrogative]}a)单用,问事物{[used individually to ask what]}:
这是?{What is this?}|你找?{What are you looking for?}|他说?{What did he say?}|叫押韵?{What is rhyme?}b)用在名词前面,问人或事物{[used before a noun to ask who or what]}:
人?{Who is he?}|事ㄦ?{What's the matter?}|颜色?{What colour?}|地方?{Where?}
2.虚指,表示不确定的事物{[used to refer to anything indefinite]}:
他们仿佛在谈论{It seems that they are talking about something.}|我饿了,想吃点ㄦ{I'm hungry. I want to have something to eat.}
3.任指。{[used to refer to things in general]}a)用在‘也’或‘都’前面,表示所说的范围之内没有例外{[used before 也yě or 都dōu to indicate that there is no exception within the limits mentioned]}:
也不怕{He is afraid of nothing. or He fears nothing.}|只要认真学,都能学会。{Only if you learn earnestly, you can learn everything.}b)两个‘什么’前后照应,表示由前者决定后者{[used one 什么 after another 什么 to indicate that the former determines the latter]}:
{Feel free to say what's on your mind. or Say whatever you like to.}|时候去,我也时候去。{Whenever you go, I'll go.}
4.表示惊讶或不满{[used to express surprise or discontent]}:
!九点了,车还没有开!{What's happened! It's nine. The bus is not yet leaving!}|这是鞋!一只大一只小的!{What damned shoes! One is big and the other is smaller.}
5.表示责难{[used to express censure]}:
你笑?(不应该笑){What are you laughing at? (You should not have laughed.)}|你说呀!装哑巴?(不必装哑巴){Speak up! Stop playing dumb.}
6.表示不同意对方说的某一句话{[used to indicate disagreement with what has been said]}:
晒一天?晒三天也晒不干。{One day? It won't be dried even in three days.}
7.用在几个并列成分前面,表示列举不尽{[used before a number of coordinate elements to indicate an incomplete list]}:
送个信ㄦ啊,跑个腿ㄦ啊,他都干得了。{He can do everything, such as sending a message and running errands.}




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