释义 |
板眼bǎnyǎn 1.民族音乐和戏曲中的节拍,每小节中最强的拍子叫板,其余的拍子叫眼。如一板三眼(四拍子)、一板一眼(二拍子)。{metre in traditional Chinese music and operas, e.g. one stress (板bǎn) and three light beats (眼yǎn) in a bar, similar to 4/4 time; and one stress and one light beat, similar to 2/4 time} 2.〈比喻fig.〉条理和层次{orderliness; system; method}: 他说话做事都很有~。{He is very methodical in handling things.} 3.〈方dial.〉〈比喻fig.〉办法、主意等{idea; notion}: 在我们班里,数他~多。{He is the one who comes up with the most ideas in our class.} |