

释义 2(鬆)sōng
1.松散(跟‘紧’相对,②③同as opposed to ‘tight’, same with ②③below}){loose; slack}:
这包书捆得太,容易散。{This bundle of books has not been tied tightly enough, and is likely to fall apart.}
2.使松{loosen; relax; slacken}:
腰带{slacken the belt}|口气(紧张之后,放松一下){take a breather (relax after intense efforts)}|要再接再厉,不能劲。{Redouble your efforts and never slacken.}
3.经济宽裕{not be hard up}:
这个月我手头一些,给他寄了点钱去。{I am better off this month, so I have mailed him some money.}
4.不坚实{light and flaky; soft}:
点心脆适口。{The pastry is light and crisp.}
5.解开;放开{untie; unfasten; release}:
{untie a person}|手,气球就飞了。{As the grip on it loosened, the balloon flew away.}
6.用鱼、虾、瘦肉等做成的绒状或碎末状的食品{dried meat (fish, shrimp) floss; dried minced meat}:
{dried minced meat}




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