释义 |
杯弓蛇影bēi gōng shé yǐng有人请客吃饭,挂在墙上的弓映在酒杯里,客人以为酒杯里有蛇,回去疑心中了蛇毒,就生病了(见于《风俗通义·怪神第九》)。{according to Notes on Social Customs·Strange Gods (IX), a man invited to a meal mistook the reflection of an archer's bow in his wine cup for a snake and became sick on returning home, suspecting he had imbibed its venom;}〈比喻fig.〉疑神疑鬼,妄自惊慌。{be jittery and filled with fear for no valid reason; be extremely nervous and suspicious} |