释义 |
杂剧zájù宋代以滑稽调笑为特点的一种表演形式。元代发展成戏曲形式,每本以四折为主,有时在开头或折间另加楔子。每折用同宫调同韵的北曲套曲和宾白组成。如关汉卿的《窦娥冤》等。流行于大都(今北京)一带。明清两代也有杂剧,但每本不限四折。{zaju; comedy; proto-drama; comic performance in the Song Dynasty, which evolved into a poetic drama in the Yuan Dynasty, consisting of four acts and occasionally a prelude before the first act or an interlude between acts, with each act comprising northern opera melodies of the same tune and rhyme and spoken parts, e.g. The Injustice to Dou E by Guan Hanqing, which was very popular in Dadu (present-day Beijing); proto-drama in the Ming and Qing dynasties, which was not limited to four acts} |