

字词 本体
释义 本体běntǐ
1.德国哲学家康德唯心主义哲学中的重要概念,指与现象对立的不可认识的‘自在之物’。辩证唯物主义否认现象和本体之间有不可逾越的界限,认为只有尚未认识的东西,没有不可认识的东西。{noumenon; thing-in-itself; object of purely intellectual perception, as compared with a phenomenon; important concept within the idealistic philosophy of Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, while dialectical materialism denies the impassable limit between a phenomenon and the thing-in-itself, holding that there are only things yet to be understood, and nothing is beyond understanding}
2.机器、工程等的主要部分。{main part or body (of a machine, project, etc.)}




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