释义 |
望2wàng 1.农历每月十五日(有时是十六日或十七日),地球运行到月亮和太阳之间。这天太阳从西方落下去的时候,月亮正好从东方升上来,地球上看见圆形的月亮,这种月相叫望,这时的月亮叫望月。{plenilune; full moon; moon becoming visible from the earth as a fully illuminated disk on the 15th day (at times the 16th or 17th) of every lunar month, when the earth moves between the moon that happens to be rising in the east and the sun that happens to be setting in the west. This stage of the moon's movement is known in Chinese as wang (plenitude), and the moon at this stage, plenilune.} 2.望日。{day of plenilune; 15th day of a lunar month} |