

释义 yǒu
1.表示领有(跟‘无’或‘没’相对,下②③同as opposed to ‘have not’, same with the following ② and ③}){have; possess}:
《鲁迅全集》{I have the Collected Works of Lu Xun.}|热情,朝气。{full of enthusiasm and vigour}
2.表示存在{there is; exist}:
屋里十来个人。{There are about a dozen people in the room.}
3.表示估量或比较{[indicating estimation or comparison]}:
一丈多深{The water is more than one zhang deep.}|他哥哥那么高了。{He is now as tall as his elder brother.}
4.表示发生或出现{[indicating occurrence or emergence]}:
病了{He is ill.}|形势了新发展{There are new developments in the situation.}|他在大家的帮助下了很大的进步。{He has made tremendous progress with the help of everybody.}
5.表示多,大{[indicating much or big]}:
学问{be well-learned}|经验{be experienced}|了年纪。{be getting on in age}
6.泛指,跟‘某’的作用相近{[used in a general sense, indicating ‘certain’ or ‘some’]}:
一天他来了{He came one day.}|人这么说,我可没看见。{Someone put it that way, but I didn't see it.}
7.用在‘人、时候、地方’前面,表示一部分{[used before ‘person, time, place’ to indicate some]}:
人性子急,人性子慢{Some are hot-tempered and some are placid.}|这里时候也能热到三十八九度{The temperature here sometimes can also go up to 38℃ or 39℃.}|这场雨地方下到了,地方没下到。{The rain fell in some areas, but not in others.}
8.用在某些动词的前面组成套语,表示客气{[used before certain verbs to form polite formulas]}:
{may I trouble you; sorry to bother you}|请。{ask sb. politely into a room}
9.〈书fml.<前缀prefix〉用在某些朝代名称的前面{[used before the names of certain dynasties]}:
{the Xia Dynasty}|{the Zhou Dynasty}|宋一代。{the Song Dynasty}




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